Happy Mobile hits the Streets of Los Angeles
So I thought, If batman has his Bat Mobile why can't I have a Happy Mobile! so I started doing a little bit of research and while talking to my uncle, Payaso Mayito (Let me mention we also have Show the Payasos, provided by my uncle and aunt), I mentioned that I wanted to add some graphics to my car to advertise my services while I drive around town.
He happened to used a small company based on Downey, CA called Latino Graphics I decided to call them and set up a meeting. As soon as I spoke with Mrs. Claudia and spoke with her about what I wanted, I knew I would give them a try.
At the meeting Mr. Ruben, the graphic designer, took measurements and talked to me about my ideas. After a few emails, I approved a design and this weekend is the first weekend the Happy Mobile hit the streets of Los Angeles.

If you happen to see me around the multiple areas of Los Angeles or Orange County, make sure to honk and wave hello.